About Stehekin Outfitters
This page is dedicated to the Courtney family that started this legacy and the history of the packing trips, learn tidbits about the people and horses that make this business what it is.
Nancy on Axle, headed to Hidden Meadows
I swing a leg over the back of a petite mare, settling gently into my saddle, the lead rope to my first pack horse tightly in hand as we head off down the road as a unit. The sun shines brightly overhead and warms my face and I glance around at the trees gently swaying in the summer breeze, their leaves shimmer and dance on a carefree wind. I keep a close eye on the string of horses behind me as we move; the gravel under their hooves creates a rhythmic cadence to our travel that is soothing to my soul. The trail head turns sharply left and for a moment my mount contemplates the path ahead of us which inevitably leads back home, but turns and pricks her ears forward as we head into the woods…. stay tuned for more to come shortly!